Monday, 2 September 2013

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CloudLinux Releases New Inode Limits Feature for cPanel

Shared hosting OS developer CloudLinux announced Wednesday the release of Inode Limits for cPanel.
The Inode control feature allows hosting providers to limit the number of files or folders on servers on a per account or per packet basis. This keeps users within allocated amount of disk space, and ultimately allows more consistent server performance.
“Hosts that use CloudLinux can get more from their shared hosting servers,” says Igor Seletskiy, founder and CEO at CloudLinux. “By allocating specific hardware resources to each account, servers can be filled to maximum capacity without the risk of poor performance. At CloudLinux, we are always finding new ways to help hosting companies take control of their servers, and our new Inode Limits for cPanel provides an alternative way to limit the way storage is used.”
CloudLinux contains shared hosting accounts within Lightweight Virtual Environments, and provides LVE Manager, where hardware resource limits can be set and controlled.
CloudLinux previously updated its LVEs to allow more resource control just over a year ago.CloudLinux Inode Limits for cPanel can be set to “soft” or “hard” limits, to give the option of temporarily allowing users to exceed limits while they decompress or test software.
This allows hosts to “limit abusive users while remaining flexible enough to handle the occasional inode usage spike,” says Ivan Raki, CEO of Servikus.  ”We had some abusive users and some badly written scripts that affected performance across entire servers.”
These problems and their negative impact on the service received by other webmasters had already prompted Servikus to develop an inode control for cPanel.
Controlling resources through metadata allows shared hosting providers to control resources to maintain server performance without limiting storage itself.  This makes CloudLinux latest tool potentially useful to hosts offering “unlimited disk space.”
Inode Limits for cPanel increases the flexibility of CloudLinux’s resource controls as it competes with hosting software companies like BetterLinux and 1H.
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